Sunday, 18 November 2012

Ideas for Summer Wedding

This summer I will have two major events - my University graduation and the next week after that my younger sister's wedding. That means two things - I have to make sure my body is in tip top condition and I need two brilliant outfits to show it off.
Now I am on a health kick since the beginning of the summer and last week I finally signed up for gym membership, where I go as often as possible to run on the windmill. Call me lazy, but with horrible UK weather it is impossible to run outside - and I don't have a wish. The gym however, is a very good option - it is in the same building as my flat - just two levels below my flat. So there is no weather threat and no excuse. I think I will be looking for an outfit closer to the summer, as at the moment my weight is constantly changing, so it is too early to shop for a new wardrobe.
Now for the ideas - I have many, mostly inspirations out of the Internet style web sites. Does anyone have any suggestions to where I can buy some nice outfits? I would appreciate the advice. Here are some ideas - let me know what you think.



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