Monday 6 August 2012

Eternal Fight With Cellulite

This is the worst nightmare for all women. That "orange peel effect". We all hate it and we all have it. It is a very difficult battle, but with hard work, determination and patience we can win! Now I am not a professional and I haven't tried absolutely all miracle potions available, but I did try a few tricks and I am willing to share my experience. But let me clarify straight away - all those creams will not help you. Not on their own. You have to do so much more to improve the look of your tights.

Eat well

That is one of the essential rules that we must follow. Do not eat junk as it only will make matters worse. Healthy, low fat food will make you feel better and you will be healthier. There are so many good foods that actually help fighting the cellulite, so it is important to have well - balanced diet. Also less fat means smaller risk of getting cellulite.

Stay Hydrated

Our boy needs water, so it is crucial to drink around 2-3 liters of water. It purifies, hydrates and helps to detoxify our body. It also helps to keep skin healthy and glowing.


Combining good diet with sport is the ultimate way how to get rid of the problem. Exercise will burn the fat and will help to get rid of the most stubborn problems. Since I started exercising I noticed that the look of my cellulite is improving. I have been advised to start running for 1/2 - 1 hour a day, which will give even better results.

Try Dry Body Brushing 

Very important step for good looking skin. Dry body brushing improves blood circulation, warms up the skin and works it's magic on fat cells beneath the skin by smoothing it out. Try to use brush with natural bristles and don't be afraid of them being too harsh. I use the cactus brush from Body Shop  it is great, feels soft and nice on the skin. Try to do it every day, befor going to the shower. Start with the bottom of your legs and go upwards.

Massage Your Tights

You can do it with or without creams. Possibly with creams results will be even better, but for some reason I never tried that - I prefer massaging without creams. That also helps to smooth out those lumpy bits and improve blood circulation.


When in shower, try using your favorite body scrub and massage it into the problem areas. It will remove dead skin, improve circulation, massage the lumpy bits and will help your skin to stay firm and toned. You can also use loofah, or any sponges made from natural ingredients.
I like to use exfoliating gloves - they are very easy to use and I prefer to use them rather than sponges.

Creams That I Have Tried

I am not going to list all of the - only the most recent ones. The first one is Good Bye Cellulite from Nivea. It is a very cooling and refreshing gel. It makes skin very soft, but after using up all tube I did not notice any difference.

Also I tried Dr Organics Cellulite Cream with Royal Jelly. It has natural ingredients and smells like propolis, which I find quite pleasant. It doesn't have a gel consistency - it is a proper rich cream. Possibly that is the reason why it is so hard to rub in - it takes ages to absorb. However, I like this fact, because that makes me massage my skin longer than I usually would and that way it can deliver results. It makes my skin absolutely beautiful and soft. My cellulite is less visible, but I am not sure if it is due to the fact that this cream is working, or because I am combining all the points listed above. Anyway, I think it is worth to try.
My recent purchase - Soap & Glory Sit Tight Intense XS Body Serum. I use this one in the mornings - you just twist the cap, press it to the skin and massage it. While you are doing it the gel comes out and covers your tights. It says you have to wait for 3 min and then get dressed. Honestly - it takes much longer than that. It feels very sticky and it activates when you sit down - it starts heating up. Sometimes I felt like my bum was on fire and on other days I felt nothing... Be careful not to get it in your eyes or anywhere else - it will burn without sitting :))) I am not sure, but it is possible that this cream could help a bit.

Lately I started using just simple body lotion with firming properties and massaging that in. I don't think that the results will be worse. We will see.

And Another Thing...

There are of course other ways how to fight cellulite, from salon procedures, to home made remedies. I heard that massaging problem areas with citrus oil is effective. Also I herd good reviews from clay masks  - you prepare the mixture according to recipes (there are loads available) and then cover the area with cling film. Whatever works for you. Let me know if you have some special tricks that work and that you like to use - I would like to try something new. And remember - we can win this fight and have a bum like this..... :)

Lace Butterfly

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