Tuesday 10 July 2012

Anything is possible

I have a firm belief that each and every single person can achieve anything. Determination, hard work and optimism are the tools that help us with this process. Never lose hope and never give up. Here is the example from my life. Since the age of seven my Mum sign me up for private English lessons. She always told me that I am smart, so it should be easy for me to learn the language and in the future I will not regret it. It was not cheap and my Grandmother was giving me part of her pension to pay for those classes. Right now I couldn't be more grateful for that, but back then I hated every second of it. I had to attend those classes every week after school, sometimes in weekends and through summer as well. When I was eleven, English became a compulsory subject at school and then I realized my advantage. Everything we studied in class was a child's play for me. I was the best student in the class and excelled in English exam. My classmates were always asking me for help and for once I get a chance to shine.
My teacher was encouraging me to go study abroad after finishing school, but it was very difficult and expensive. My parents straight away notified me that they can't afford that and advised me to give up on that idea. And I did. I still continued with my private lessons until the age of eighteen and after finishing school I went to University to study Sociology. Until my aunt's husband moved to England and a year later my aunt joined him. They invited me to visit them during the summer and as tickets were cheap (I miss those days) I went there. I was only planning to stay for three months - in September I had to go back home to continue studies, but I never did. It was my chance and I decided not to let it go. I find a job and started earning money. In one month I earned enough to pay for two years of my University fee. Then I decided to have a look at the way English higher education works as by then I knew that Sociology was not a field for me.
It was hard as nobody could explain me properly what I am supposed to do to get in to the University in UK. As I was foreigner it was not just the case of filling in the application. I needed qualification and my high school diploma was not enough. Also hey had to determine my language level and it did not matter that I had private lessons and certificates proving it. Those certificates were not issued in UK so it wasn't a valid proof. This journey was long, I was sent to the wrong people and even applied to wrong and completely unnecessary courses until by lucky accident one of the advisors in the college said that the perfect way for me was the Access to Higher Education course. That was the course for those who wanted to go to University, but had a big break from studies and do not have qualifications, or their diplomas are too old. It was intense one year course, where students had to learn the two year course content. I went on to apply, but had to wait a year as my application came to late.
I had to chose a field that I wanted to study and I took the one that scared me the most - Business. I wasn't sure that I am strong enough for it. Back at home I had some Business related subjects at school, but I was really bad at them. However, this time I was determined to succeed. I had to... I wanted to. And honestly, it worked. I started understanding those subjects and I finished the course with amazing grades. College also helped me to apply to University and in two months I am starting my final year of International Business degree at University of Brighton!!! I am very happy about it. I never thought I will be in this place. I am doing really well, with very good grades and I like the work I am doing. It is hard work, but I did it all by myself and that gives me even more confidence in achieving my dreams. Back at home everyone were telling me that t is just a dream and I will never be able to achieve it. They called me silly for hoping, but hey - who is silly now?
Never give up! Dream it! Do It! Because anything is possible!


Lace Butterfly

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